Working on the Coastside

SMCHD | Regular Board Meeting Agenda – Sep. 18th

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September 18, 2024
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
In-person with remote viewing available
This meeting of the San Mateo County Harbor District will be held in Person at 504 Avenue Alhambra, 2nd
Floor, Conference Room, El Granada, California 94018. Members of the public will be able to watch the
meeting remotely via the Zoom platform or in person in the Board Room. Public Comments will not be
accepted via the Zoom platform. To make a public comment you must attend in person or provide
written comment prior to the meeting. For information regarding how to participate in the meeting
please refer to Appendix A attached at the end of the Agenda.
Please click the link below to view the meeting remotely via the Zoom platform:
Passcode: 129885
Board Meetings are not required to be broadcast over Zoom. The District is doing so as a convenience to
the public. If transmission goes down for some reason, the meeting will continue in person as scheduled.
If you are an individual with a disability and need a reasonable modification or accommodation pursuant
to the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), please contact Melanie Hadden, Deputy Secretary at
[email protected] or (650) 583-4400 prior to this meeting for assistance.
A) Pledge of Allegiance
B) Roll Call
C) Public Comments/Questions
The Public may directly address the Board of Harbor Commissioners for a limit of
two (2) minutes, unless a request is granted for more time, on any item of public
interest within the subject matter jurisdiction of the San Mateo County Harbor
District, that is not on the Regular Agenda. If a member of the public wishes to
address the Board on an agenda item, it is requested that the member of the public
San Mateo County Harbor District – Regular Meeting Agenda – September 18, 2024
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wait until the item is in discussion before following the instructions provided on
making a public comment. The Chair will call your name at the appropriate time.
Agenda material may be reviewed online at
D) Commissioner Comments
Any member of the Commission may make public statements
E) Activity Reports
a. General Manager,
b. Operations,
c. Administration and Finance
F) Consent

  1. Bills and Claims (van Hoff)
    Recommendation: Accept Pre-Approved Items in the amount of $236,073.49
    for August. Approve $750,000 in Pre-Approved Items for October 2024.
    Approve $750,000 in Pre-Approved Items for November 2024 (the Board may
    not meet in October).
    Approve $132.13 for Commissioner George Domurat and $398.19 for General
    Manager James Pruett for reimbursable travel expenses.
  2. Minutes – Regular Board Meeting for August 21, 2024 (Hadden)
    Recommendation: Approve Minutes of the August 21, 2024 Regular Board
  3. Monthly Capital Project Update (Moren)
    Information only
  4. Progressive Discipline Policy 6.2.10 (Modena)
    Recommendation: Adopt the Progressive Discipline Policy 6.2.10
  5. Meeting with Supervisor Ray Mueller Update (Pruett)
    Information only
  6. Pillar Point Harbor RV Park CDP Update (Pruett)
    Information only
  7. Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Policy 6.6.2 (Pruett)
    Recommendation: Adopt the District’s Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace
    Policy 6.6.2 as amended.
    G) Discussion
  8. SMCHD’s CalPERS Actuary Reports (van Hoff)
    San Mateo County Harbor District – Regular Meeting Agenda – September 18, 2024
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  9. Oyster Point Marina Joint Liaison Standing Committee Report (Chang
    Receive Report
  10. Search and Rescue Ad Hoc Committee Report (Mattusch/Chang Kiraly)
    Receive Report
  11. Ocean Science Center Ad Hoc Committee Report (SlaterCarter/Domurat)
    Receive Report
  12. Division of Boating and Waterways SAVE Grant Resolution (Moren)
    Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 24-18 to authorize acceptance and
    execution of a California Boating and Waterways Surrendered and
    Abandoned Vessel Exchange Grant for $150,000 and authorize the General
    Manager to expend DBW SAVE Grant monies for removal of abandoned
    vessels at Oyster Point Marina and Pillar Point Harbor.
  13. Draft Position Descriptions (van Hoff)
    Recommendation: Approve the position descriptions for Harbormaster,
    Assistant Harbormaster, Deputy Harbormaster A/B, and Harbor Worker.
  14. Formation of Non-Profit Benefit Corporation for Ocean Science
    Education and Research (Pruett)
  15. Lighted Boat Festival Update (Hadden)
    Receive update and provide guidance
    H) Closed Session
    I) Future Agenda Items
    J) Adjourn
    The next Regular meeting will be held on October 16, 2024 at the San Mateo
    County Harbor District Office, 504 Avenue Alhambra, Ste. 200, El Granada, CA
    94018 at 10:00 AM