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Agenda for February 26, 2025 Regular Meeting, 7:00pm
This meeting of the Midcoast Community Council will be held in hybrid format in person and by
teleconference at Granada Community Services District, 504 Avenue Alhambra, 3rd Floor, El Granada, CA.
The public is encouraged to participate remotely via the Zoom platform with this link:
CALL IN PHONE NUMBER: +1-669-900-9128 Meeting ID 859 6879 4983, Password: 925217
- (7:00pm) Call to Order – Council member roll call.
- (7:05) Board of Supervisors’ Report & Reports from other Government Officials
- (7:15) Council Follow up Reports
- (7:25) Public Comments & Announcements
(Members of the public may speak up to 3 minutes on any matter not listed on the agenda that is within
the subject matter jurisdiction of the MCC. Those wishing to speak on a specific agenda item will be
given the opportunity to do so during consideration of each agenda item.) - (7:40) Consent Agenda (No discussion, unless requested to be moved for discussion.)
a. Approve minutes of February 12, 2025
b. Approve letter to SamTrans and Board of Supervisors advocating for continuation and expansion
of the Ride Plus program. - (7:45) Regular Agenda – The Council may take action on the following items:
a. (7:45) Presentation on a proposed County Stormwater Ordinance update. (Toutant)
Speakers: Sultan Henson, Sustainability Specialist, SMC Sustainability Department.
The proposed Stormwater Ordinance update would ensure compliance with new State mandates;
provide legal authority to implement and enforce new provisions of the NPDES permit; and reflect
shared responsibility across County departments for stormwater management and regulatory
compliance. Desired Outcome: Informational.
b. (8:15) Stormwater Report presentation. (Toutant)
Speaker: Gregg Dieguez. Gregg will present a final draft of the Stormwater Report, created to
highlight stormwater issues on the Midcoast and recommend specific projects for San Mateo
County to address.
Desired Outcome: Informational; Q&A and Discussion.
c. (8:45) Consider proposals for peer review of the Stormwater Report. (Toutant)
Council review of all contract proposals received for a peer review of the Stormwater Report.
Desired outcome: Discussion and possible action to approve a peer review contractor.
d. (9:00) Treasurer’s Report. (Sniecinski)
The MCC Treasurer will provide an update on recent account changes.
Desired Outcome: Informational and potential action by the Council. - (9:05) Council Activity – Correspondence and meetings attended
- (9:15) Future Agendas (Tentative): emergency water supply/hydrants, Harbor District quarterly update,
shoreline issues, what constitutes wildfire/urban fire, Burnham strip projects.
Adjournment (9:30pm)