Working on the Coastside

City of HMB | Poplar Beach Parking Lot Gate Closures – UPDATE

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Last June, the City resumed its previous practice of locking the gates at the Poplar Beach Parking lot at sunset, in response to an increase in after-hours activities at the beach and in the lot, which are not only disruptive to nearby neighborhoods, but often represent public health concerns which include alcohol use/abuse and potential impaired driving. Following several recent incidents related to the locking of the gate, and in preparation for the upcoming Labor Day weekend, the City and the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office are making a few adjustments to the gate locking procedures, which we’d like to make the community aware of.  

Beginning Friday, September 1, 2023, the Sheriff will lock only the entrance side of the gate to Poplar Beach parking lot at sundown, leaving the exit open, and will notify individuals parked in the lot of their need to leave within thirty minutes. The sheriff will return following that period and immediately ticket any remaining vehicles and provide another round of notifications. This process will continue until the lot is cleared, at which time, the exit gate will also be locked to prevent further access until sunrise. Sheriff’s deputies may cite (or in certain circumstances potentially tow), vehicles that remain in the parking lot in violation of City regulations. 

Additional signage has been installed to ensure beachgoers clearly understand the operating hours of the parking lot. There will be additional Sheriff’s Office presence at Poplar Beach throughout the holiday weekend to help manage the expected crowds and implement the new parking lot closure procedures.

Per the City’s Municipal Code, access to the parking lot will be limited to the period from sunrise to sunset. Poplar Beach itself will remain accessible to the public via the Coastal Trail and Poplar Parallel Trail in accordance with the California Coastal Act. In addition to gate control, the Sheriff’s Office will continue to monitor after-hours activities. We ask for residents to partner with us in the interest of public safety by continuing to alert Sheriff’s deputies of any observed illicit activities. To report activity or an incident, please call 911 for emergencies, or (650) 363-4911 for non-emergency situations.

Sep 5, 2023 | Half Moon Bay, News & Updates