Working on the Coastside

SMC | AAC Regular Meeting Agenda – Jan. 8th

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Date: Monday, January 8, 2024
Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Place: Ted Adcock Community Center – South Day Room
535 Kelly Avenue, Half Moon Bay, California

6:00 p.m.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Member Roll Call
  3. Oral Communications to allow the public to address the Committee on any matter not on the
    agenda. If your subject is not on the agenda, the Chair will recognize you at this time. Please
    start by stating your name. Speakers are customarily limited to 3 minutes. See instructions
    explained above regarding the spoken comments process. Please note that the Committee
    cannot discuss or act on an item not on the agenda.
  4. Committee Member Update(s) and/or Questions to allow Committee Members to share news
    and/or concerns for items not on the agenda.
    a. Status of Peninsula Open Space Trust parcels excluded from wildlife conservation
    easements that are associated with the Lake Lucerne Mutual Water Company.
    b. Ag ID training refresher tentatively scheduled for March 2024.
  5. Consideration of Meeting Minutes for the October 16, 2023 AAC meeting.
    Action Request: That the AAC approve the meeting minutes.
  6. Community Development Director’s Report. (Planning Liaison)
  7. Review Recommendation Letter Update in support of continued funding for the County’s
    Farm Labor Housing Loan Program.

Action Request: That the AAC approve the updated recommendation letter.

  1. Adjournment