Working on the Coastside

Coastside Gives 2024 Registration

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Greetings and Happy New Year! 

Mavericks Community Foundation is proud to present Coastside Gives! Mark your calendars, Gives Day is Thursday, May 2nd, 2024. This will be our 10th year hosting this Annual Day of Giving Challenge and we are looking forward to another amazing event. To date Mavericks Community Foundation has helped raise over $6 million in support of local coastside nonprofits via the Coastside Gives Day of Giving.

Giving Platform

We are happy to be continuing our partnership with Mighty Cause as our technology partner and giving platform provider for Coastside Gives. The Mighty Cause Platform offers a modernized look, it’s easy to navigate and allows for real time editing of your profile pages.

Registration for Coastside Gives 2024 Opens January 10th

Register today to be a part of the largest 24-hour fundraiser on the San Mateo County Coast. The deadline to complete registration is Wednesday, January 31st.

  • You can register by visiting and clicking on the Register button on the home screen.

Coastside Gives Registration Fees are calculated on a sliding scale based on your nonprofits operating budget. The 2024 Fees are below: 

Operating BudgetRegistration Fee
$0- $50,000$50
$50,001 – $100,000$85
$100,001 – $250,000$135
$1,000,001 and over$295

There will also be the $300 fee for participation in the Annual Giving Guide. This will cover the cost of the full page full color profile. The Giving Guide is printed in both English and Spanish and mailed to over 13,000 residents. The Giving Guide Fee will automatically be added onto your registration fee.

  • IMPORTANT GIVING GUIDE INFO: During registration you will be asked to upload the photo you want included in the guide for your organization. Once your registration has been completed you will receive an email with a link and instructions for submitting the remainder of your required Giving Guide information. Finalized Giving Guide submissions must be completed by Wednesday February 8th.Please take the time to carefully fill this out and review for typos as they will be final submissions. 

If your organization has a financial hardship regarding fees, please contact our MCF Executive Director Amber Stariha [email protected].

Help Us Spread the word! 

If you know a nonprofit eligible to participate, please encourage them to register by January  31st 2024. Reminder: they must be a registered 501(c)3 in good standing located between Montara and Pescadero.

Don’t forget to visit regularly for access to the Nonprofit Toolkit Resources.

Questions? Contact Curt Harris our Program Coordinator at [email protected]


Wednesday January 10, 2024 – Online Registration Opens

Friday January 12, 2024 – Intro to Coastside Gives Meeting
@ HMB Library 10am.
*This session is for organizations that are new to Coastside Gives or have new campaign point people for 2024.

Wednesday January 31, 2024 – Registration Closes

Friday February 2, 2024 @ 10am -In Person – Mandatory Kickoff Meeting @ HMB Library

Thursday February 8, 2024 – Giving Guide Submission Deadline

Friday February 16, 2024 @ 10am – In Person – Team Training – Tips & Tricks Panel Meeting @ HMB Library

Friday March 29, 2024 @ 10am – In Person – Mandatory Prize Structure Review Meeting & Promotional Materials Pickup

Thursday May 2nd 2024 GIVES DAY! 

**It is recommended that organizations have the same person attend all meetings, keeping this continuity will help be most successful with your Coastside Gives campaign.

Jan 10, 2024 | Coastside, Funding Opportunity