Working on the Coastside

SMC | Help San Mateo County Identify Climate Solutions

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The County of San Mateo in partnership with Belmont, Burlingame, East Palo Alto, Half Moon Bay, and San Bruno are working on the Peninsula Resilience Planning (PREP) project to study how natural hazards and climate change will harm our communities and to plan for a safer and more resilient future. The PREP project will result in updated General Plan Safety Elements.

Join us online next week to learn about the PREP project and share thoughts and experiences with climate change and natural hazards, such as flooding, wildfire, earthquakes, landslides, extreme heat, and other severe weather.  

Virtual Community Workshop
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm 

in English and Spanish


This project will plan for the harm posed by climate change and natural hazards by updating each participating jurisdiction’s safety element. A safety element is a required section of a city or county’s general plan that identifies potential natural and human-caused hazards that could affect residents, businesses, and services in the community.

How can you be involved? 

This is the first of several community engagement events to inform, guide, and comment on the PREP project. Other ways to learn more and share your input include: 

  • PREP Project website: learn more about the project, ask a question, provide a comment, and sign up for our mailing list to hear about future opportunities to get involved.  
  • Online survey: Do you have 5 minutes to share your experience with natural hazards in your community? Survey is confidential.
  • Interactive Map: view the natural hazard, community asset, and population GIS data that will be used for climate change vulnerability assessments and the safety elements updates.  

Your input is vital to this planning process! Please forward this invite to anyone else you know who might be interested. 

Climate Resilience Team
San Mateo County Sustainability Department