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Gail Evenari: The Power of Film



Gail Evenari has worked as a teacher, writer and filmmaker for over four decades. Her award-winning documentaries have featured indigenous communities in Alaska, Hawai’i and Mexico. She is currently working on The Future of Normal, a documentary about neurodiversity, and World Wise, a project that combines Virtual Reality (VR) immersive stories and interactive learning as a springboard for fostering empathy and raising awareness of diverse cultures and critical global issues.

In all her work, Gail strives to deepen understanding of other ways to live in the world. The more she films and learns, the more she recognizes the power of film — both documentary and narrative — to impact the hearts, minds and actions of viewers, subjects being filmed, and filmmakers.

Come for an evening of film clips, stories and a lively discussion about documentaries, popular films, life and transformation.

What movies changed you?

Admission: Free

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