Working on the Coastside

CA Building Standards Commission | Call for Code Advisory Committee Applications

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The California Building Standards Commission (CBSC) is seeking applicants for CBSC’s Code Advisory Committees for the 2024-2026 term. Persons wishing to be considered for one or more positions on a Code Advisory Committee (CAC) must submit an application and supporting documents by the October 2, 2023 deadline.

CBSC is soliciting applications from:
State Agency Representatives
Local Government Building, Water Efficiency, and Fire Officials 
Plumbing and Electrical Inspectors
Disability Access Advocates
Public Members
Structural, Mechanical, Electrical and Fire Protection Engineers
Energy/Building Performance Specialists
Environmental/Energy Organization Representatives
Commercial Building and Residential Construction Industry Representatives
General Contractors
Acute Care Hospital, Skilled Nursing Facility, Primary Care and Specialty Clinic Representatives

Please forward this to your colleagues and any other parties that may be interested in applying. We appreciate your participation in this critical phase of the building standards code adoption process!
View Application, Process, Requirements and Responsibilities.