Coastside, El Granada, Miramar, Montara, Moss Beach, News & Updates, Pescadero, Pillar Point Harbor, Princeton, San Gregorio
July 5, 2023For Immediate Release Board of Supervisors to Study Tenant Protections in the Unincorporated AreasRedwood City — The Board of Supervisors will hold a special meeting July 10 to learn about tenant issues in the unincorporated areas of San Mateo County and...
El Granada, Half Moon Bay, Input / Take Part Opportunity, Miramar, News & Updates, Pillar Point Harbor, Princeton
PUBLIC TRANSIT, ON-DEMAND. Need a ride in Half Moon Bay or El Granada? SamTrans has you covered. Ride Plus is a brand-new service offering easy, affordable transportation for riders in Half Moon Bay, El Granada, East Palo Alto and the Belle Haven neighborhood of Menlo...