Coastside, Miramar, News & Updates
El Granada resident Patrick Hanna has enjoyed cooking ever since he was a young boy. After his first job helping in a friend’s catering business, he decided to pursue a career in food services and eventually received formal training as a chef at the Cordon...
!Emailed Updates, Coastside, El Granada, Half Moon Bay, Input / Take Part Opportunity, Miramar, Montara, Moss Beach, Pillar Point Harbor, Princeton
We are exploring opening a Commercial Kitchen on the coast. If you have a food based business, or are considering starting a new one, we would love to get your feedback on your needs and interest in such a space. You can find the survey...
El Granada, Input / Take Part Opportunity, Miramar, Montara, Moss Beach, Pillar Point Harbor, Princeton
The MCC Regular Meeting agenda for Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 7:00pm is available on the MCC website. The individual topics are confirmed but start times may be adjusted and the agenda re-posted, so please check there if your interest is only in a specific item.The...
El Granada, Input / Take Part Opportunity, Miramar, Montara, Moss Beach, Pillar Point Harbor, Princeton
AGENDA BOARD OF DIRECTORSREGULAR MEETING at 7:30 p.m.Thursday, August 17, 2023 NOTICE PERTAINING TO PUBLIC ACCESS TO THE MEETINGThe Board of Directors’ meeting room is open to the public during open session. Tomaximize public access to public meetings, the Granada...
Coastside, El Granada, Miramar, Montara, Moss Beach, News & Updates, Pescadero, Pillar Point Harbor, Princeton, San Gregorio
July 5, 2023For Immediate Release Board of Supervisors to Study Tenant Protections in the Unincorporated AreasRedwood City — The Board of Supervisors will hold a special meeting July 10 to learn about tenant issues in the unincorporated areas of San Mateo County and...
El Granada, Half Moon Bay, Input / Take Part Opportunity, Miramar, News & Updates, Pillar Point Harbor, Princeton
PUBLIC TRANSIT, ON-DEMAND. Need a ride in Half Moon Bay or El Granada? SamTrans has you covered. Ride Plus is a brand-new service offering easy, affordable transportation for riders in Half Moon Bay, El Granada, East Palo Alto and the Belle Haven neighborhood of Menlo...