Half Moon Bay, Input / Take Part Opportunity
PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDAREGULAR MEETINGCITY OF HALF MOON BAYWednesday, March 27, 2024HMB LIBRARY Chair RJ Jennings620 CORREAS STREET Vice Chair Paulette EisenHALF MOON BAY, CA Commissioner Adam EisenCommissioner Hilary Stamper6:00 PMThis agenda contains...
Coastside, Input / Take Part Opportunity
Join me on March 20th for a conversation with the leaders in our community who are changing that: Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian championed 110 teacher housing units that are currently being built in Palo Alto, as well as an additional...
Coastside, Input / Take Part Opportunity
AGENDA DATE: March 22, 2024 TIME: 11:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. LOCATION: Bay Area Metro Center – Yerba Buena Room 375 Beale Street, San Francisco CA 94105 The Authority meetings will be...
Coastside, Input / Take Part Opportunity
*Sponsored by the Boys and Girls Club of the Coastside and Half Moon Bay Recreation* Half Moon Bay Recreation and the Boys and Girls Club of the Coastside are excited to announce this year’s annual Easter Egg Hunt! This year’s community-favorite event will be held on...
Coastside, Input / Take Part Opportunity
San Mateo County and the City of Half Moon Bay are partnering on a new plan called Get There Together, an action plan for transportation choices in Half Moon Bay and the Coastside area. Get There Together will create strategies to improve and make better use...
Coastside, Input / Take Part Opportunity
Now is the time to think about preparing for emergency or disaster! At the Coastside Community Preparedness Day experts from a variety of agencies will be on hand with important tips, advice, and information about emergency and disaster preparedness for community...