Coastside, Funding Opportunity
The Coastal Conservancy announces a new Sea Otter Recovery Grant Solicitation. The Conservancy’s Sea Otter Recovery Grants fund research, science, protection, or projects related to the Federal Sea Otter Recovery Plan or improving the nearshore ocean ecosystem....
Coastside, Funding Opportunity
The Technical Assistance for Capital Readiness Program will connect small businesses to lenders, spur 40,000 new loans in the next five years On Monday, the California Office of the Small Business Advocate (CalOSBA), part of the Governor’s Office of Business and...
Coastside, Funding Opportunity
Arts and cultural opportunities fund arts engagement and infrastructure with focus on agency’s stated values The California Arts Council launched its 2024 grant season today, opening eight different funding opportunities for application submissions from eligible arts...
City of HMB, Funding Opportunity, Input / Take Part Opportunity
Get into compliance with new laws by getting your bins! This program is for local businesses who wish to apply for a free set of compost and recycling bins for your business. To be eligible, you must be a business located within the City of Half Moon Bay. The bins...