Coastside, Input / Take Part Opportunity, News & Updates
Helping Coastside merchants report issues to the Chamber that are negatively affecting their business. As appropriate, the Chamber will push information outward to the other merchants on the text system, and let the appropriate agencies know of the issues. Examples...
Coastside, News & Updates
Supervisor opens Coastside office A local official’s new office space drew a standing-room-only crowd in Princeton on Friday evening. Read more
Coastside, Input / Take Part Opportunity, Marketing Opportunities
August is our Environment Issue Showcase your organization’s dedication to the environment by advertising in our green-themed August issue! Coastside Magazine readers care deeply about their natural surroundings. This is the perfect marketing opportunity for...
Half Moon Bay, News & Updates
Following several recent incidents in the neighborhood near Poplar Beach, the City is evaluating options for addressing after-hour activities, which are not only disruptive to nearby neighborhoods, but often represent public health concerns which include alcohol...