Coastside, News & Updates
It’s a New Year and we are ready to celebrate our incoming Board! We have half that are returning awesomenesses and half that are fresh new awesomes! Please give an internet high five to… Dr. Brian Sheppard of Sheppard Family Dentistry, Board Chair Chris...
Coastside, News & Updates
Every year we have to say goodbye to our outgoing Board Members. Our Chamber is so lucky to have had these two awesome women helping guide us into 2024. We will miss working with them on the daily, but are so excited for what they are working on and will continue to...
Regulation Updates, State of CA
While minimum wages are increasing, the IRS gave employees who drive for company business another present this holiday season: an increase in the standard mileage rate to 67 cents/mile (up from 65.5 cents/mile) effective January 1, 2024! On December 14,...
Coastside, Funding Opportunity
The Employment Development Department (EDD), in coordination the Labor and Workforce Development Agency, announces the availability of up to $16 million in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I Governor’s discretionary funds for the...
Input / Take Part Opportunity, Montara
January 4, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will take place in the District offices located at the above address. Seating islimited and social distancing will be practiced due to ongoing public health and safetyconcerns. Simultaneous public access and participation is...
Input / Take Part Opportunity, Montara, Moss Beach
December 21, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will take place in the District offices located at the above address. Seating islimited and social distancing will be practiced due to ongoing public health and safetyconcerns. Simultaneous public access and participation is...