Working on the Coastside

CDFA | Pest Rating Proposal

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The following pest rating proposal is available for comment.

Plenodomus tracheiphilus comb. nov (Petri) Gruyter, Aveskamp & Verkley 2013
Syn. Phoma tracheiphila (Petri) L.A. Kantsch. & Gikaschvili 1948
mal secco disease of citrus

Proposed Pest Rating: A

Comment Period: 09/04/2024 through 10/19/2024

Author: Heather Martin

Kingdom: Fungi, Phylum: Ascomycota,
Subphylum: Pezizomycotina, Class: Dothideomycetes,
Subclass: Pleosporomycetidae, Order: Pleosporales,
Family: Leptosphaeriaceae

The following pest rating proposal is available for comment.

Xiphinema brasiliense Lordello, 1951 Dagger nematode

Proposed Pest Rating: A

Comment Period: 09/12/2024 through 10/27/2024

Author: Heather Martin

Domain: Eukaryota, Kingdom: Metazoa
Phylum: Nematoda, Class: Adenophorea
Order: Dorylaimida, Family: Longidoridae
Subfamily: Xiphinematinae

The following pest rating proposal is available for comment.

Spiroplasma kunkelii Whitcomb 1986

Proposed Pest Rating: C

Comment Period: 09/12/2024 through 10/27/2024

Author: Heather Martin

Kingdom: Bacteria, Phylum: Tenericutes,
Class: Mollicutes, Order: Entomoplasmatales,
Family: Spiroplasmataceae

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If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].

Sep 12, 2024 | Coastside