Working on the Coastside

CDFA | Pest Rating Proposal

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The following pest rating proposal is available for comment.

Silba adipata McAlpine: black fig fly

Proposed Pest Rating: B

Comment Period: 05/17/2024 through 07/01/2024

Author: Kyle Beucke

Diptera: Lonchaeidae

The following pest rating proposal is available for comment.

Heterodera ciceri Vovlas, Greco & Di Vito, 1985 Chickpea cyst nematode

Proposed Pest Rating: A

Comment Period: 05/17/2024 through 07/01/2024

Author: Heather Martin

Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Nematoda,
Class: Chromadorea, Order: Rhabditida,
Family: Heteroderidae