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OCC | Job Train | Career & Resource Fair



Join JobTrain as they host a Career Fair & Open House at the OCC where you will learn about jobs, internships, volunteer opportunities, community resources and much more!

There will be a giveaway as well as snacks, music, and fun!

JobTrain is seeking local employers and community partners to table at the event.

Register here! 

Únase a JobTrain en su evento de Feria de Empleo y Bienvenida para aprender sobre trabajos, pràcticas, oportunidades de voluntariado, recursos comunitarios y mucho mas!

Habrá un sorteo gratuito, bocadillos, música y diversión!

JobTrain está buscando empleadores locales y socios comunitarios para participar en el evento.

Regístrese aquí!

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