Working on the Coastside

MCC | Council Meeting Agenda – FEB. 28th

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Agenda for February 28, 2024 Regular Meeting, 7:00pm
This meeting of the Midcoast Community Council will be held in Hybrid format by both teleconference and at
Granada Community Services District, 504 Avenue Alhambra, 3rd Floor, El Granada, CA. The public is
requested to participate in the meeting remotely via the Zoom platform with this link:
CALL IN PHONE NUMBER: +1-669-900-9128 Meeting ID 859 6879 4983, Password: 925217
Call to Order (7:00pm) – Council member roll call

  1. (7:05) Board of Supervisors’ Report and Reports from other Government Officials
  2. (7:30) Public Comment & Announcements (Members of the public may speak up to 3
    minutes on any MCC-related topic on the Consent agenda NOT on the Regular agenda.)
  3. (7:45) Consent Agenda (No discussion, unless requested to be moved for discussion.)
    a. Approve minutes for 1/24 and 2/12/24
    b. Letter supporting CUSD revisions to the El Granada school remodel.
  4. Regular Agenda – The Council may take action on the following items:
    a. (8:00) Montara Mtn. Preservation. Field Trip Findings. Potential letter. (Williams)
    Desired Outcome: Direction for next steps.
    b. (8:30) Cypress Point. Discussion of community concerns regarding the Cypress Point
    project in light of its exemption from the CEQA process under AB1449. (Rothman)
    Desired outcome: Gathering community input in advance of the release of the Planning
    Department’s upcoming report
    c. (9:00) Managing Midcoast Priorities. Update on MCC requests and desired
    process for working with the County. (Mattammal)
    Desired outcome: Agreement on direction and approach
  5. (9:45) Council Activity – Correspondence and meetings attended
  6. (10:00) Future Agendas (Tentative)
    Cypress Point; Herbicides; Stormwater; More Priorities (TBD)
    Adjournment (10:15pm)
    NOTE: The Council reserves the right to re-order the agenda; item starting times are approximate. Supporting
    documents are on the MCC website Meeting posts are archived. Subscribe to
    MCC agendas on MCC website at link:
    Prior to the Council Meeting:
    The Council will accept short email comments to to be read or summarized at
    the meeting, up to one hour prior to the start of the meeting. Comments should be no more than 300 words, consistent
    with the three-minute limit on public comments. Please put either “Public Comment” or the Agenda Item in the subject.
    After the Council Meeting opens:
    Once an agenda item is open for public comment, use the Raise Hand tool to request to make a comment (found under
    Reactions on computer, More on the mobile app, or *9 if dialing in by phone). The standard time limit for comments is
    three minutes. If unable to use the Raise Hand method, request an opportunity to speak via the Zoom Chat function. We
    welcome speakers providing public comment, but please be advised this is a limited public forum. As such, speakers
    must stay on-topic if speaking to a particular agenda item, and if speaking during general public comment, they must
    address matters within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Council. If speakers fail to follow these rules, their opportunity
    to speak will be ended.