Working on the Coastside

PMAC | Council Meeting Agenda – Mar. 27th

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Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council 

An elected Advisory Council to the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors 

representing Butano, Loma Mar, Pescadero, San Gregorio, and the area extending to the Santa Cruz County line:

  • Taylor Allen
  • Heather Gibbons, Treasurer
  • Dina Gold
  • Patrick Horn
  • Rob Skinner, Corresponding Secretary
  • Kassandra Talbot, Vice Chair
  • Bonnie Ulrick
  • Mark Wallace, Chair 

PO Box 74

Pescadero CA 94060

To submit topics for future meetings, to inquire about making a presentation, or to get a copy of each month’s agenda once it’s set, please write to

March PMAC Business Meeting, Wednesday 3/27/2024, 6:00pm

This meeting of the Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council will be held at the following location:

Community Church

363 Stage Road

Pescadero CA  94060

Video and teleconference access information

PMAC members, government officials, invited speakers, and members of the public may attend the meeting via Zoom, at the following link:

Meeting ID: 828 9452 5797

One tap mobile: +16699006833,,92285529883# US (San Jose)

The council asks that all attending remotely display their real name.

Individuals who require special assistance or a disability-related accommodation to participate in the meeting or wish to request an alternative format for the agenda, presentations, or other documents should contact the Council prior to 10:00am on the day of the meeting at

The meeting will be recorded and made available to the public. Public comment and questions will be accepted during the meeting at appropriate times, as listed on the agenda. For clarity, comments will be moderated so that no more than one member of the public will speak at a time. The Council will accept short email comments to be read aloud at the meeting at up to one day prior to the start of the meeting. Emailed comments should be no more than 250 words, consistent with the three-minute limit on public comments.

Agenda, March PMAC Business Meeting, Wednesday 3/27/2024, 6:00pm

5:45-6:00pm — Meeting opens (15 minutes) 

  • PMAC Zoom manager starts the meeting software, opens the waiting room, and accepts visitors. A social period.

6:00-6:10pm — Call to Order and Opening Business (10 minutes)

  • Recording of meeting begins. PMAC Zoom Manager mutes all attendees.
  • Call to order.
  • Council members introduce themselves.
  • Adopt minutes of previous PMAC meeting(s).
  • Discuss any changes to the agenda.

6:10-6:15pm — Treasurer’s Report (5 minutes)

  • Treasurer’s report on PMAC finances (Heather)

6:15-6:45pm — Current Business (30 minutes)

  • discussion of Treasurer’s position and other accounting services
  • discussion of the timing of PMAC meetings (currently 6pm)
  • report on Farmworkers Convention
    • Patrick Horn, Kassi Talbot

6:45 – 7:15pm — Presentations (30 minutes)

  • Pescadero Plaza steering committee, Nic Erridge

7:15 – 7:45pm — Updates (30 minutes)

  • Updates from any State, County, Local, or other officials present

7:45-8:00pm — Public Comment & Announcements (15 minutes)

(Members of the public may speak for up to three minutes each on any topic not on the agenda. Use the ‘Raise Hand’ control during public comments. The PMAC Zoom Manager(s) will ask you to unmute yourself.) 

8:00pm —Adjournment

  • The chair will entertain motions to adjourn or extend the meeting.

Future Agendas ( send ideas to )