Working on the Coastside

PMAC | Regular Meeting Agenda – Aug. 20th

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Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council

An elected Advisory Council to the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors

representing Butano, Loma Mar, Pescadero, San Gregorio, and the area extending to the Santa Cruz County line  •  PO Box 74 •  Pescadero CA  94060


  • Taylor Allen
  • Patrick Horn
  • Rob Skinner, Corresponding Secretary
  • Kassandra Talbot, Vice Chair
  • Bonnie Ulrick, Treasurer
  • Mark Wallace, Chair

Agenda for the August 20, 2024, regular meeting

This meeting of the Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council will be held both in-person and via teleconference.

In person:

Community Church • 363 Stage Road • Pescadero CA • 94060

Video and teleconference access via Zoom

Meeting ID: 828 9452 5797

One tap mobile: +16699006833,,92285529883# US (San Jose)

The meeting will be recorded and made available to the public.


6:00-6:10pm — Call to Order and Opening Business (10 minutes)

  • Call to order
  • Introduction of Council members
  • Adopt minutes of previous PMAC meeting(s)
  • Discuss any changes to the agenda.

6:10-6:15pm — Senior Coastsiders (5 minutes)

  • consider a letter of support for Senior Coastsiders

6:15-6:35pm — Farmworker Housing Task Force (20 minutes) TENTATIVE

  • Justin Mates, Deputy County Executive, will give an update on the work of the Farmworker Housing Task Force and share preliminary findings and a set of proposals.

6:35-6:55pm — Resource Conservation District on wildfire resiliency (20 minutes) TENTATIVE

  • Joe Issel of the RCD will give a presentation on the agency’s wildfire resiliency work in the area.

6:55-7:10pm — Council business (15 minutes)

  • Updates from Councillors

7:10-7:20pm — First Responders (10 minutes)

  • Updates from first responders, possibly including…
    • CalFire
    • Sheriff’s Department
    • CHP
    • others as available

7:20-7:30pm — San Mateo County District 3 (10 minutes)

  • Updates from Supervisor Ray Mueller’s office
    • Kathleen Moazed

7:30 – 7:45pm — Other presentations (15 minutes)

  • State officials, possibly including…
    • State Senator Josh Becker or representative (Joan Dentler)
    • State Assembly Member Marc Berman or representative (Leslie Bulbuk)
    • Department of Parks and Recreation
    • others as available
  • County officials, possibly including…
    • Department of Public Works
    • Department of Emergency Management
    • Parks Department
    • Office of Sustainability
    • others as available
  • Other organizations, possibly including…
    • MidPen
    • Resource Conservation District
    • Puente de la Costa Sur
    • HMB Chamber of Commerce
    • Fire Safe San Mateo
    • others as available

7:45-8:00pm — Public Comment & Announcements (15 minutes)

  • Members of the public may speak for up to three minutes each on any topic not on the agenda. If attending remotely, please display your real name, and use the “Raise Hand” feature on Zoom. Remarks made during the public comment period must be on topics within the advisory purview of the Council. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in your opportunity to comment being ended.

8:00pm — Adjournment

  • The chair will entertain motions to adjourn or extend the meeting.

NOTE: The Council reserves the right to re-order the agenda; starting times are approximate. Agendas, supporting documents, minutes, and recordings of PMAC meetings are available at
To submit topics for future meetings, to inquire about making a presentation, or to receive PMAC agendas and other notices by email when they are published, send an email to [email protected] stating your request.