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“At Hillsdale High School, an innovative, home-grown program called ‘Empowerment Through Action (ETA),’ in conjunction with ‘Hillsdale Smaller Learning Communities,’ is working to achieve equity. ETA accepts students who were identified in eighth grade as being at risk of not graduating high school but possess the potential and leadership skills to thrive in our community. The ETA program surrounds them with supportive services and opportunities to belong and excel.”
“I’m proud to help ensure equity for all of our young people by supporting ‘Empowerment Through Action,’” says David Bohannon, President & CEO of the David D. Bohannon Organization, which owns Hillsdale Shopping Center. “Public-private partnerships like this are essential in communities like San Mateo. ETA is a model that can be scaled up to support all students in San Mateo.”
“I am proud to live in San Mateo, one of the most diverse communities on the Peninsula,” says Adam Loraine, San Mateo City Deputy Mayor. “But we need to do more to ensure that all students in San Mateo have an equitable opportunity to graduate high school.”
To read more of SAMCEDA’s Rosanne Foust
and Empowerment Through Action’s Brett Stevenson’s
Guest Perspectives feature in The Daily Journal, please click here.