Working on the Coastside

SMC | Farmworker Advisory Commission Meeting – Nov. 8

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This meeting of the Farmworker Advisory Commission will be held in person at the Half Moon
Bay Library Community Room. Members of the public will be able to participate in person in
the Community Room located at 620 Correas St. Half Moon Bay. For information regarding
how to participate in the meeting, please refer to the following instructions below.
Public Participation:
Members of the public can attend this meeting physically in the Community Room at 620
Correas St, Half Moon Bay. This meeting will be conducted in Spanish and live interpretation of
the meeting will be provided in English. To access live interpretation services during the
meeting, please utilize the provided headsets.
*Instructionsfor Public Comment
During this in person meeting of the Farmworker Advisory Commission, members of the public
may address the Commissioners as follows:
*Written Comments:
Written public comments may be emailed in advance of the meeting.
Please read the following instructions carefully:

  1. Your written comment should be emailed to: [email protected].
  2. Your email should include the specific agenda item on which you are commenting.
  3. Members of the public are limited to one comment per agenda item.
  4. The length of the emailed comment should be commensurate with the two minutes
    customarily allowed for verbal comments, which is approximately 250-300 words.
  5. If your emailed comment is received by 5:00 p.m. on the day before the meeting, it
    will be provided to the Commissioners. The Clerk will make every effort to read emails
    received after that time but cannot guarantee such emails will be read during the
    meeting, although such emails will still be included in the administrative record.


*Spoken Comments:
Spoken public comments will be accepted during the meeting in the Community Room.

  1. As with all public comment in person, members of the public who wish to address the
    Farmworker Advisory Commission in the Community Room should complete a speaker’s
    slip to make a public comment. Speakers will be called to the stand in the order their
    speaker slip was received. Each speaker will have two minutes to speak for each agenda
    1) Roll Call
    2) Public Comment – Anyone may speak up to 2 minutes on any topic not on the agenda.
    Please fill out a speaker slip. The Commission may not discuss or take action on items not on
    the agenda.
    3) Farmworker Task Force Update (15 min)

a. Presented by Justin Mates, Deputy County Executive
b. Questions from Commissioners
c. Public comment (limit to two minutes)

4) Minimum Wage Update for Unincorporated Areas in San Mateo County (5 min)

a. Presented by Justin Mates, Deputy County Executive
b. Questions from Commissioners
c. Public comment (limit to two minutes)

5) San Mateo County Department of Emergency Management (DEM) (15 min)

a. Presentation by Shruti Dhapodkar, Director of DEM
b. Questions from Commissioners
c. Public comment (limit to two minutes)

6) Thrive Alliance Overview (10 min)

a. Presented by Ana Miscolta, Director of Community Resilience and Yajaira Ortega,
Policy Equity Manager
b. Questions from Commissioners
c. Public comment (limit to two minutes)
7) Agricultural Workers’ Rights Booklet (10 min)


a. Presented by JoAnn Sandoval, Community Organizer for Puente
b. Questions from Commissioners
c. Public comment (limit to two minutes)

8) Update on the Outreach and Education Ad-Hoc committee (5 min)

a. Presented by Ad-Hoc Committee Lead
b. Questions from Commissioners
c. Public comment (limit to two minutes)

9) Update on the Access to Affordable and Quality Healthcare Ad-Hoc committee (5 min)

a. Presented by Ad-Hoc Committee Lead
b. Questions from Commissioners
c. Public comment (limit to two minutes)

10) Update on the Affordable Housing Development Ad-Hoc committee (5 min)

a. Presented by Ad-Hoc Committee Lead
b. Questions from Commissioners
c. Public comment (limit to two minutes)

11) Report Outs (10 minutes)
a. Commissioner’s Reports
b. District 3 Report Out

12) Adjournment