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Board of Harbor Commissioners
William Zemke, President
Tom Mattusch, Vice President
George Domurat, Secretary
Kathryn Slater-Carter, Treasurer
Virginia Chang Kiraly, Commissioner
James B. Pruett, General Manager
Trisha Ortiz, District Counsel
San Mateo County Harbor District – Regular Meeting Agenda – September 20, 2023
“The Harbor District provides fiscally and environmentally responsible stewardship of its maritime resources, emergency response, and public access”
September 20, 2023
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
San Mateo County Harbor District
Hybrid Meeting – In-Person and by Videoconference
This meeting of the San Mateo County Harbor District will be held in Person at 504 Avenue Alhambra, 2nd Floor, Conference Room, El Granada, California 94018. Members of the public will be able to participate in the meeting remotely via the Zoom platform or in person in the Board Room. For information regarding how to participate in the meeting, either in person or remotely, please refer to Appendix A attached at the end of the Agenda.
Please click the link below to join the meeting remotely via the Zoom platform:
Passcode: 129885
Board Meetings are not required to be broadcast over Zoom. The District is doing so as a convenience to the public. If transmission goes down for some reason, the meeting will continue in person as scheduled. If you are an individual with a disability and need a reasonable modification or accommodation pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), please contact Melanie Hadden, Deputy Secretary at or (650) 583-4400 prior to this meeting for assistance.
A) Roll Call
B) Public Comments/Questions
The Public may directly address the Board of Harbor Commissioners for a limit of two (2) minutes, unless a request is granted for more time, on any item of public interest within the subject matter jurisdiction of the San Mateo County Harbor District, that is not on the Regular Agenda. If a member of the public wishes to address the Board on an agenda item, it is requested that the member of the public wait until the item is in discussion before following the instructions provided on making a public comment. The Chair will call your name at the
appropriate time. Agenda material may be reviewed online at
C) Commissioner Comments
Commissioners may make public statements limited to two (2) minutes.
D) Activity Reports
a. General Manager,
b. Operations,
c. Administration and Finance
E) Consent
Bills and Claims (van Hoff)
Recommendation: Accept Pre-Approved Items in the amount of $216,160.03 for August. Approve $500,000 in Pre-Approved Items for October 2023.
Minutes – Special Board Meeting July 12, 2023 (Hadden)
Recommendation: Approve Minutes of the July 12, 2023 Special Board Meeting
Minutes – Regular Board Meeting August 16, 2023 (Hadden)
Recommendation: Approve Minutes of the August 16, 2023 Regular Board Meeting
Minutes – Special Board Meeting September 12, 2023 (Hadden)
Recommendation: Approve Minutes of the August 12, 2023 Special Board Meeting
Monthly Capital Project Update (Moren)
Information only
Pillar Point Harbor Retail Center ADA Restroom Project Completion (Pruett)
Recommendation: Approve Resolution 23-13 accepting completion of construction of ADA-compliant restrooms at the Pillar Point Harbor Retail Center and directing the filing of a notice of completion for the project.
Nigro & Nigro, PC, Auditing Service Agreement (van Hoff)
Recommendation: Authorize the General Manager to enter into a service agreement with Nigro & Nigro, PC, for auditing services for the next three fiscal years for an amount not to exceed $61,500, plus a 10% contingency in the event there are additional costs and authorize the General Manager to issue change orders up to the contingency amount of $67,650.
F) Discussion
Slip Rates – Commercial Fishing Vessels (Pruett)
Recommendation: Direct staff to advertise a notice to consider adoption of a resolution increasing commercial fishing vessel slip rates at the October 18, 2023 Regular Board Meeting.
Memorial Benches (Moren)
Recommendation: Staff recommends the Board choose one of the following options:
1) Take no action. There is currently no Board approved fee for memorial benches, therefore, no memorial benches will be approved at this time.
2) Assign an Ad Hoc Committee to thoroughly evaluate all potential challenges with memorial benches, host public meetings and draft a robust detailed policy, with proposed candidate vetting process/criteria and fee schedule, for full Board consideration.
Surfers Beach Update (Moren)
Receive presentation
G) Closed Session
Conference with Real Property Negotiators
Property: 504 Avenue Alhambra, 3rd Floor, El Granada, CA 94018
Negotiation Parties: El Granada Community Services District
Agency Negotiators: James Pruett and Julie van Hoff
Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment
Conference with Real Property Negotiators
Property: APN 047-252-220 Cabrillo Hwy, APN 047-252-230 Cabrillo Hwy, APN 047-252-240 Cabrillo Hwy, APN 047-252-360 Cabrillo Hwy, APN 047-252-390 11820 Cabrillo Hwy, APN 047-251-040 Avenue Alhambra, APN 047-251-120 Avenue Alhambra, and APN 047-251-140 Avenue Alhambra. Agency Negotiators: James Pruett and Julie van Hoff
Negotiating Parties: Joe Amaral, LLC; 1990 Revocable Trust; Viso Living Trust
Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment
Conference with Real Property Negotiators
Property: APN: 047025100, 047025040, 047025030, 0470250160, 047025150, and 047025010.
Agency Negotiators: James Pruett and Julie van Hoff
Negotiating Parties: Harriet Segelcke, Trust
Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment
H) Future Agenda Items
I) Adjourn