Working on the Coastside

SMCHD | Regular Meeting Agenda – Dec. 18th

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December 18, 2024
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
In-person with remote viewing available
This meeting of the San Mateo County Harbor District will be held in Person at 504 Avenue Alhambra, 2nd
Floor, Conference Room, El Granada, California 94018. Members of the public will be able to watch the
meeting remotely via the Zoom platform or in person in the Board Room. Public Comments will not be
accepted via the Zoom platform. To make a public comment you must attend in person or provide
written comment prior to the meeting. For information regarding how to participate in the meeting
please refer to Appendix A attached at the end of the Agenda.
Please click the link below to view the meeting remotely via the Zoom platform:
Passcode: 129885
Board Meetings are not required to be broadcast over Zoom. The District is doing so as a convenience to
the public. If transmission goes down for some reason, the meeting will continue in person as scheduled.
If you are an individual with a disability and need a reasonable modification or accommodation pursuant
to the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), please contact Melanie Hadden, Deputy Secretary at
[email protected] or (650) 583-4400 prior to this meeting for assistance.
A) Pledge of Allegiance
B) Roll Call
C) Public Comments/Questions
The Public may directly address the Board of Harbor Commissioners for a limit of
two (2) minutes, unless a request is granted for more time, on any item of public
interest within the subject matter jurisdiction of the San Mateo County Harbor
District, that is not on the Regular Agenda. If a member of the public wishes to address the Board on an agenda item, it is requested that the member of the public
San Mateo County Harbor District – Regular Meeting Agenda – December 18, 2024
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wait until the item is in discussion before following the instructions provided on
making a public comment. The Chair will call your name at the appropriate time.
Agenda material may be reviewed online at
D) Commissioner Comments
Any member of the Commission may make public statements
E) Activity Reports
a. General Manager,
b. Operations,
c. Administration and Finance
F) Consent

Bills and Claims (van Hoff)
Recommendation: Accept Pre-Approved Items in the amount of $179,108.70
for September. Approve $481.00 for Commissioner George Domurat and
$160.89 for General Manager James Pruett for reimbursable conference and travel expenses.

2025 CSDA Professional Development Catalog (Pruett)

Bills and Claims (van Hoff)
Recommendation: Accept Pre-Approved Items in the amount of $226,671.62
for November. Approve a payment of $87.49 to General Manager James
Pruett for reimbursable computer equipment expenses. Approve $500,000 in
Pre-Approved Items for January 2025.

Minutes – Regular Board Meeting for November 20, 2024 (Hadden)
Recommendation: Approve Minutes of the November 20, 2024 Regular Board

Minutes – Special Board Meeting – Personnel Board for December 4,
2024 (Hadden)
Recommendation: Approve Minutes of the December 4, 2024 Special Board

Monthly Capital Project Update (Moren)
Information only

Policy 4.3.4 General Manager Procurement Authority (Modena)
Recommendation: Approve the decommission of District policy 4.3.4 General
Manager Procurement Authority

Policy 6.5.8 Training and Continuing Education (Modena)
Recommendation: Approve Policy 6.5.8 Training and Continuing Education G) Discussion

  1. Real Property Revocable License San Mateo Transit District (SamTrans)
    Recommendation: Approve a Revocable License for SamTrans use of
    property at Oyster Point
  2. Public Parking – Burnham Strip El Granada (Pruett)
    Recommendation: Receive report and provide direction to staff.
  3. Operations Department Position Descriptions – (Pruett)
    Recommendation: Approve the position descriptions for Harbormaster,
    Assistant Harbormaster, Deputy Harbormaster A/B, and Harbor Worker.

H) Closed Session

Real Property Negotiations (Pruett)
Property: 181-195 Princeton Avenue
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
APNs: 047-033-180, 047-033-190, 047-033-200, 047-033-390,
047-033-400, 047-033-410
Negotiators: James Pruett
Negotiating Parties: Michael and Tanya Wyr Living

Public Employee Performance Evaluation
Title: General Manager

Conference with Labor Negotiators
Agency designated representative: Tom Mattusch
Unrepresented employee: General Manager Trust
Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment
J) Future Agenda Items
K) Adjourn
The next Regular meeting will be held on January 15, 2025 at the San Mateo
County Harbor District Office, 504 Avenue Alhambra, Ste. 200, El Granada, CA
94018 at 10:00 AM.
Agenda posted as required: Appendix A
The Public may view the public meeting by joining the meeting through the Zoom Videoconference link
provided below. The public may also listen to the meeting by calling the below listed teleconference phone
number. Further instructions on how to make public comments will be provided at the District website at If you experience technical problems with the telephonic meeting, please contact Melanie
Hadden at [email protected] or call at (650) 437-4368.
The meeting will begin at 10:00 AM. Whether you watch online or listen by phone, you may wish to connect or
call in early so that you can address any technology questions prior to the start.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 129885
If you have not used Zoom on your computer before, you will be prompted to download and install the Zoom
software on your computer. If it is already installed, you may still be prompted to allow Zoom to run. Please
enable the software to download and run to join the meeting via computer.

BY PHONE: If you are unable to join via computer, or do not have speakers or a microphone on your computer, you can dial in for audio.
You may call any one of the meeting numbers below and enter the meeting ID and password when prompted.
+1 669 900 6833 (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 (Houston) +1 312 626 6799 (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 (New York) +1 301 715 8592 (Germantown)
+1 877 853 5257 (Toll Free) +1 888 475 4499 (Toll Free)
Webinar ID: 825 2180 4518
Passcode: 129885

BY COMPUTER AUDIO: When joining via the Zoom app, you will automatically be joined in via computer audio. You may be prompted to
confirm that you wish to join via computer audio.
o Please ensure your computers speakers are enabled and sound is switched on. Speaker Slip:
1) If you wish to speak to the Board of Harbor Commissioners, please fill out a speaker’s slip located in the
conference room.
Public Comments will not be accepted via the Zoom platform or by phone. To make a public
comment you must attend in person or provide written comment prior to the meeting.
Written Comments:
Written public comments may be emailed in advance of the meeting.
1) Written comments should be emailed to [email protected]
2) Your email should include the specific agenda item on which you are commenting, or note
that your comment concerns an item that is not on the agenda or is on the consent agenda.
3) Members of the public are limited to one comment per agenda item.
4) The length of the emailed comment should be commensurate with the two minutes
customarily allowed for verbal comments, which is approximately 250 – 300 words.
5) If your emailed comment is received by 5:00 p.m. on the day before the meeting, it will be
provided to the Members of the Board and made publicly available on the agenda website.