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February 19, 2025
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
In-person with remote viewing available
This meeting of the San Mateo County Harbor District will be held in Person at 504 Avenue Alhambra, 2nd
Floor, Conference Room, El Granada, California 94018. Members of the public will be able to watch the
meeting remotely via the Zoom platform or in person in the Board Room. Public Comments will not be
accepted via the Zoom platform. To make a public comment you must attend in person or provide
written comment prior to the meeting. For information regarding how to participate in the meeting
please refer to Appendix A attached at the end of the Agenda.
Please click the link below to view the meeting remotely via the Zoom platform:
Passcode: 129885
Board Meetings are not required to be broadcast over Zoom. The District is doing so as a convenience to
the public. If transmission goes down for some reason, the meeting will continue in person as scheduled.
If you are an individual with a disability and need a reasonable modification or accommodation pursuant
to the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), please contact Melanie Hadden, Deputy Secretary at or (650) 583-4400 prior to this meeting for assistance.
A) Pledge of Allegiance
B) Roll Call
C) Public Comments/Questions
The Public may directly address the Board of Harbor Commissioners for a limit of
two (2) minutes, unless a request is granted for more time, on any item of public
interest within the subject matter jurisdiction of the San Mateo County Harbor
District, that is not on the Regular Agenda. If a member of the public wishes to address the Board on an agenda item, it is requested that the member of the public
wait until the item is in discussion before following the instructions provided on
making a public comment. The Chair will call your name at the appropriate time.
Agenda material may be reviewed online at
D) Commissioner Comments
Any member of the Commission may make public statements
E) Activity Reports
a. General Manager,
b. Operations,
c. Administration and Finance
F) Consent
- Bills and Claims (van Hoff)
Recommendation: Accept Pre-Approved Items in the amount of $189,673.23
for January. Approve $500,000 in Pre-Approved Items for March 2025. - Minutes – Regular Board Meeting for January 15, 2025 (Hadden)
Recommendation: Approve Minutes of the January 15, 2025 Regular Board
Meeting - Monthly Capital Project Update (Moren)
Information Only - Authorized List of Signatures with the San Mateo County Treasurer’s
Office and California State Treasurer’s Office; Adopt Resolutions No.
25-02 and 25-03 (van Hoff)
Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 25-02 approving updated list of
Harbor District authorized signers for the San Mateo County Treasurer’s
Office and adopt Resolution No. 25-03 approving updated list of Harbor
District authorized signers for the California State Treasurer’s Office. - Second Quarter – Fiscal Year 2024/25 (Q2-25) Rent Report (van Hoff)
Information Only - Second Quarter 2024/25 (Q2-25) Financial Report Spending Authority
(van Hoff)
Information Only - Second Quarter – Fiscal Year 2025 (Q2-25) Investment Report (van Hoff)
Information Only - Status of Vacant Positions as required by AB 2561 (van Hoff)
Information Only - G) Discussion
- CY 2025 Ad Hoc and Standing Committee Review and Assignments
Recommendation: The President of the Board for CY2025 review each
Standing and Ad Hoc Committee and re-appoint or make new appointments,
as necessary - Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Audited Financial Statements and Independent
Auditor’s Report (van Hoff)
Recommendation: Approve draft fiscal year 2023/24 San Mateo County
Harbor District Audited Financial Statements and Independent Auditor’s
Report by Nigro & Nigro, PC. - Surfers Beach Pilot Project Update & Proposal (Moren)
Recommendation: Approve the proposal for $430,868 from consultant Brad
Damitz and subconsultants MTS, Coastal Futures, and Wood Biological
Consulting for the Surfers Beach Restoration Pilot Project, environmental
compliance, project management, biological survey and monitoring, and
approve an increase in Capital Expenditure Appropriations of $430,868 to be
funded by available working capital and grant funds. - Overflow Parking for Pillar Point Harbor (Pruett)
Recommendation: Authorize the General Manager to issue a Request for
Proposal for design, engineering, and permitting of a project to construct a
parking lot and greenspace on the Burnham Strip to include parcels owned by
the Harbor District, privately owned parcels, and areas owned by Caltrans
and San Mateo County. - G) Discussion
- CY 2025 Ad Hoc and Standing Committee Review and Assignments
Recommendation: The President of the Board for CY2025 review each
Standing and Ad Hoc Committee and re-appoint or make new appointments,
as necessary - Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Audited Financial Statements and Independent
Auditor’s Report (van Hoff)
Recommendation: Approve draft fiscal year 2023/24 San Mateo County
Harbor District Audited Financial Statements and Independent Auditor’s
Report by Nigro & Nigro, PC. - Surfers Beach Pilot Project Update & Proposal (Moren)
Recommendation: Approve the proposal for $430,868 from consultant Brad
Damitz and subconsultants MTS, Coastal Futures, and Wood Biological
Consulting for the Surfers Beach Restoration Pilot Project, environmental
compliance, project management, biological survey and monitoring, and
approve an increase in Capital Expenditure Appropriations of $430,868 to be
funded by available working capital and grant funds. - Overflow Parking for Pillar Point Harbor (Pruett)
Recommendation: Authorize the General Manager to issue a Request for
Proposal for design, engineering, and permitting of a project to construct a
parking lot and greenspace on the Burnham Strip to include parcels owned by
the Harbor District, privately owned parcels, and areas owned by Caltrans
and San Mateo County. - H) Closed Session
- Real Property Negotiations (Pruett)
Property: APNs: 047-037-060, 047-037-070, 047-037-420, 047-037-430,
047-037-160, 047-037-170, 047-037-150, 047-037-140.
Negotiators: James Pruett
Negotiating Parties: Jenny Goeres
Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment
I) Future Agenda Items
J) Adjourn
The next Regular meeting will be held on March 19, 2025 at the San Mateo County
Harbor District Office, 504 Avenue Alhambra, Ste. 200, El Granada, CA 94018 at
10:00 AM.