Coastside, News & Updates
Organizers of the Pacific Coast Dream Machines announced today that there will be no 2024 Pacific Coast Dream Machines Event this spring due to delays in the permitting process through the Federal Aviation Administration. It is the third time in four years that...
Input / Take Part Opportunity
DENTAL BOARD OF CALIFORNIANOTICE OF TELECONFERENCE MEETINGFebruary 8-9, 2024Board Members Action may be taken on anyAlan Felsenfeld, MA, DDS, President item listed on the agenda.Joanne Pacheco, RDH, MAOB, Vice PresidentLilia Larin, DDS, SecretarySteven Chan, DDSJoni...
Input / Take Part Opportunity
NOTICE OF TELECONFERENCE MEETINGFebruary 8, 2024Council MembersCara Miyasaki, RDA, RDHEF, MS, ChairJeri Fowler, RDAEF, OA, Vice ChairDe’Andra Epps-Robbins, RDARosalinda Olague, RDA, BAJoanne Pacheco, RDH, MAOBTraci Reed-Espinoza, RDAEFAction may be taken on anyitem...
Coastside, Input / Take Part Opportunity
CITY COUNCIL AGENDASPECIAL MEETINGCITY OF HALF MOON BAYTUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2024ADCOCK COMMUNITY CENTER Joaquin Jimenez, Mayor535 KELLY AVENUE Harvey Rarback, Vice MayorHALF MOON BAY, CA 94019 Robert Brownstone, CouncilmemberDeborah Penrose, CouncilmemberDebbie...
Input / Take Part Opportunity
Each year as part of its budgeting process, the City Council hosts Listening Sessions to hear directly from the people who live and work in Half Moon Bay. The input received helps bring the community’s perspective into the next step in the budget process, the annual...
Coastside, Input / Take Part Opportunity
  The City of Half Moon Bay has initiated an important planning effort (the Streetscape Master Plan project) with the goals of making downtown Half Moon Bay more attractive, accessible, and economically vibrant. The initial phase of work focuses on the four central...