The Board of Supervisors appoints the Coastside Design Review Committee (CDRC) to ensure that new development is compatible with the physical setting of the site and the visual character of the Montara, Moss Beach, El Granada, Miramar and Princeton communities. The CDRC Chairperson prepares regular reports describing current matters of CDRC business.
Specific design standards for each community have been adopted by the County (contained in the Design Review (DR) Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 28.1)), which the Committee uses to evaluate and take action on each application.
Public hearings for the Coastside Design Review Committee are held on the second Thursday of each month at the location specified on the current Agenda. Minor repair, replacement and construction up to 150 sq. ft. that complies with zoning district requirements may be exempt from committee review but subject to application requirements for an exemption. For additional information, please call Glen Jia, Design Review Officer, at (650) 363-1803 or Camille Leung, Senior Planner, at (650) 363-1826. A planner at the Planning Counter may be reached at (650) 363-1825. To contact the CDRC members by email, please email [email protected].