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Sustainable San Mateo County (SSMC) is accepting nominations until January 12 for the 2024 Green Building Award, which honors exemplary green, sustainable design and construction, and a commitment to electrification or decarbonization efforts. It is seeking nominations until November 30 for its 2024 Sustainability Awards, which recognize those who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to sustainable practices. SSMC will celebrate the awardees at its 25th Annual Awards Celebration on April 10, 2024.

For the 2024 awards, Peninsula Clean Energy is joining SSMC and the American Institute of Architects’ San Mateo County chapter as a sponsor of the Green Building Award. Application forms and criteria for both awards are available on SSMC’s website at

For the first time, SSMC is seeking nominations for a Youth Sustainability Award to honor young people who contribute to sustainability in the county. Award nominations may be made in five categories: individuals, nonprofits, businesses, educational institutions and government agencies.

For more information about Sustainable San Mateo County, visit or

email [email protected].