Check Out These...


Coastside Farmers’ Market

Barterra Winery | Wine & Live Music

An Evening of Acoustic Guitar Virtuosity

Half Moon Bay City Council | Meeting

Business@Breakfast | Networking

Barterra Winery | Locals Day

OCC | Serie: Plan de Negocios – 10 Semanas

JettyWave Local’s Happiest Hour

Network@Night | Networking

VOTC Hosts -Coastside Transportation Resources Presentation

Coastside Farmers’ Market

Swell Yoga Ribbon Cutting Celebration

Barterra Winery | Saturday Sounds Wine & Live Music

M Stark Gallery presents: Birgitta Bower, Wild and Wooly

Wilkinson’s Summer Camp by the Sea

San Mateo County Agricultural Advisory Committee | Meeting

HMB Lions Club | Meeting

Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council | Meeting

Barterra Winery | Locals Day

OCC | Serie: Plan de Negocios – 10 Semanas

Midcoast Community Council | Meeting

Coastside Farmers’ Market

Friends of the Library Monthly Book Sale

M Stark Gallery presents: Birgitta Bower, Wild and Wooly

M’Earthtones Choir

M Stark Gallery presents: Birgitta Bower, Wild and Wooly

Skylawn Memorial Park FREE Pre-Planning Seminar

Half Moon Bay City Council | Meeting

OCC | Serie: Plan de Negocios – 10 Semanas

Nonprofit Roundtable Group | Meeting

Advocacy & Legislation Development | Meeting

Celebrate at Sea Hugger’s 3rd Annual Sand & Sea Festival

Coastside Farmers’ Market

M Stark Gallery presents: Birgitta Bower, Wild and Wooly

M Stark Gallery presents: Birgitta Bower, Wild and Wooly

HMB Lions Club | Meeting

Know Your Rights A Series For Agricultural Workers

Destination Coastside Roundtable Group | Meeting

OCC | Serie: Plan de Negocios – 10 Semanas

Midcoast Community Council | Meeting

OCC | Renaissance | Comida Y Comunidad: Tu Ventana Al Mundo Digital

Coastside Farmers’ Market

M Stark Gallery presents: Birgitta Bower, Wild and Wooly

M Stark Gallery presents: Birgitta Bower, Wild and Wooly

Half Moon Bay City Council | Meeting

Business@Breakfast | Networking

OCC | Serie: Plan de Negocios – 10 Semanas

Summer Music class at Community Center

Coastside Chamber | 4th of July Block Party!!

JettyWave Local’s Happiest Hour

Network@Night | Networking

Coastside Farmers’ Market

M Stark Gallery presents: Birgitta Bower, Wild and Wooly

M Stark Gallery presents: Birgitta Bower, Wild and Wooly

San Mateo County Agricultural Advisory Committee | Meeting

HMB Lions Club | Meeting

Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council | Meeting

Learn@Lunch | Canva 101 Tools Training

OCC | Renaissance | Series: Business Prep

Midcoast Community Council | Meeting

OCC | Renaissance | Series: Business Websites 101

Coastside Farmers’ Market

M Stark Gallery presents: Birgitta Bower, Wild and Wooly

Join us for a Stitch ‘n Bitch!

Special Impact Screening of the Sundance Festival Favorite Award-Winning Film DAUGHTERS

Three on the Tree – Live Music at Odd Fellows

M Stark Gallery presents: Birgitta Bower, Wild and Wooly

Half Moon Bay City Council | Meeting

OCC | Renaissance | Series: Business Prep

Summer Music class at Community Center

Nonprofit Roundtable Group | Meeting

IDES Coastside Blood Drive

Advocacy & Legislation Development | Meeting

VOTC Movie Night at the Library

OCC | Renaissance | Series: Business Websites 101

Chad Crittenden Speaks About Survival

Coastside Farmers’ Market

Friends of the Library Monthly Book Sale

OCC | Renaissance | Pop-Up Marketplace

Dream On Car Show – July 21st

M Stark Gallery presents: Greetings from the SF Peninsula, an invitational group exhibition

HMB Lions Club | Meeting

Una Serie para Trabajadores Agricolas – Julio 23

Destination Coastside Roundtable Group | Meeting

OCC | Renaissance | Series: Business Prep

Midcoast Community Council | Meeting

OCC | Renaissance | Series: Business Websites 101

Coastside Farmers’ Market

Farms, Fish & Flowers

M Stark Gallery presents: Greetings from the SF Peninsula, an invitational group exhibition

M Stark Gallery presents: Greetings from the SF Peninsula, an invitational group exhibition

OCC | Renaissance | Series: Business Prep

Summer Music class at Community Center

JettyWave Local’s Happiest Hour

Network@Night | Networking

M Stark Gallery presents: Greetings from the SF Peninsula, an invitational group exhibition

Coastside Farmers’ Market

OCC | Job Train | Career & Resource Fair

M Stark Gallery presents: Greetings from the SF Peninsula, an invitational group exhibition